Imbolc, the Awakening of the Earth or Divine Spark, is celebrated from sundown on 1st February until sundown on 2nd February in the Pagan/Celtic traditions. It marks halfway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox.
The seeds of spring are beginning to stir, the light is lasting a little bit longer and, in the northern hemisphere, we are starting to see the beginnings of new life everywhere.
After the introspection and self-reflection during the winter months, ambitions begin to stir and this time signifies transformations, fresh beginnings and the return of the light.
As far back as the 10th Century, there were celebrations of Imbolc, focusing on the Pagan Goddess, Brigid, who is now worshipped in Christianity as St Brigid, one of Ireland’s three patron saints.
So, whether or not you follow the traditions of lighting candles, making Brigid dolls or weaving crosses out of straw, this is a great time for making plans and setting intentions – in my opinion, a much better time than at New Year.
On a personal level, I am fortunate to be able to get outside, observing the new shoots starting to appear everywhere. This is nature’s reminder that everything is constantly changing. I usually start and finish my yoga classes with students taking a moment to notice how they feel: physically, energetically, mentally and emotionally. And I always remind them never to say “I am …” but “I am currently feeling …” because these feelings change all the time and they do not define us.
Wishing you all lots of joy and hope as we enter this new month and new season.